Useful Phone
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I.Passenger Services - Frequently Used Phone Numbers
Airport services
Airport 24-hour service hotline and complaint hotline: 0471-96777
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Civil Airport Group Passenger Service Email:
Airport Bus: 0471-4941151
Medical Emergency Center: 0471-2901120
Airport Freight Shipment: 0471-2901803
Airport Cargo Receipt: 0471-2901804
Customs consultation: 0471-12360
Temporary flight certificate processing: 0471-4941007
Airport fire alarm hotline: 0471-2901119
Airport alarm hotline: 0471-2901110
Airport luggage inquiry: 0471-4941101
Air China luggage inquiry: 0471-4941171
Luggage storage/lost and found: 0471-4941015